PPGD Program


Our Law PostGraduate Program created in August 2013 when CAPES approved the creation of  Law and Social Justice Master Degree . This approval was only possible due to the collective work of the professors and the direction of the Law College of the Federal University of Rio Grande.

The proposal focuses on the realization of social justice, based on two lines of research anchored in solidarity and sustainability, both linked to the institutional mission and the philosophical orientation of the institution.

The achievement of a Master's degree in the legal field will open horizons for a profound reflection by Legal Science on the multiple emergencies and transitions that Brazilian society has been going through, enabling the training of professionals and the legal qualification essential to the economic and social development of the region.


Concentration area: 

The Law and Social Justice Master Degree will promote critical and interdisciplinary studies on the relationship between Law and Social Justice, addressing issues that arise from equal rights, solidarity and sustainability, deepening the scientific debate that articulates the alternatives for sustainable development and equal opportunities in multicultural societies and the globalized world.

For the legal professional, the great challenge of citizenship stands out in the face of the complexity of life in society. The law must be committed to the citizenship promotion which implies legally overcoming the false dichotomy between rights of freedom on the one hand; and equal rights of others. Legal pluralism allows us to reflect on the possibilities of incorporating jurisprudential solutions to social conflicts based on humanitarian values, committed to public ethics and social justice.




The constitutional realization of solidarity:

The Brazilian experience of democratic transition was distinguished by the adoption of a new Constitution that had an effective popular participation in the constitutional process. In this perspective, the citizenship notion has  assumed the commitment to the constitutionally effectiveness recognized and legally protected rights. The particularity of the Brazilian Constitution would be precisely its opening to a political-constitutional project to correct social and economic inequalities. The correct application of the law challenges the possibilities of consolidating Brazilian democracy. Every day, legal norms are questioned not only as to their existence, but, above all, as to their real possibility of social transformation. The legal professional, in the Brazilian context, must incorporate into the knowledge of the legal norm an ethical and political value capable of meeting society's expectations in the promotion of social justice.


Public sustainability policies:

In constitutional democracy, public power is committed to promoting public policies capable to transform the reality characterized by persistent social and economic inequalities. The presence of public administration in social relations is no longer a governmental political option, becoming a constitutional requirement to promote citizenship rights. Henceforth the requirement to promote citizenship will not be limited to civil and political rights but will imply an obligation to promote social, economic and cultural rights. The multicultural reality of Brazilian society requires that the law face complex issues that involve everything from promoting equal opportunities to finding or recognizing different legal universes, such as those of indigenous and quilombola societies. The relationship between man and nature requires the adoption of public policies to encourage the sustainability of development.






 Profa. Dra. Maria Claudia Crespo Brauner


 Adjunct Coordinator  

Prof. Dr. Eder Dion Costa


Law and Social Justice PostGraduate Chamber 

Profa. Dra. Maria Claudia Crespo Brauner, Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Eder Dion Costa, Adjunct Coordinator

heron dos Santos Pereira , Students Representative (Holder)

Luize Lima da Rosa, Students Representative (Surrogate)


Scholarship Committee

Profa. Dra. Maria Claudia Crespo  Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Eder Dion Costa, Adjunct Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Felipe Franz Wienke, Students Representative (Holder)

Profa. Dra. Sheila Stolz, Students Representative (Surrogate)

Mariele Cunha Rocha, Students Representative (Holder)

Danyelle Gautério da Silva, Students Representative (Surrogate)



PET Conexões de Saberes divulga edital para seleção de bolsistas

O Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) Conexões de Saberes, do Campus Santo Antônio da Patrulha da FURG, divulga o edital para seleção de cinco alunos bolsistas voluntários. As inscrições poderão ser realizadas até sexta-feira, 6, das 8h30 às 12h e das 13h30 às 17h, na secretaria do campus (Unidade Cidade Alta).

Morbi justo odio, molestie nec interdum sit amet, aliquet at diam. Vestibulum congue nunc eleifend augue interdum lacinia. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam in blandit nibh, in luctus erat. Vivamus accumsan est facilisis viverra consectetur. Donec sagittis semper semper. Suspendisse aliquet leo id urna ullamcorper hendrerit. Curabitur luctus erat sed justo malesuada, auctor feugiat purus rutrum. Donec scelerisque augue nec magna dictum porta a sit amet lectus. Aliquam in dolor non purus pretium aliquam. Cras nec aliquet libero. Morbi justo mi, mollis quis libero eget, fringilla hendrerit dolor. Pellentesque pharetra, ante id convallis bibendum, justo leo vehicula velit, id lacinia dui libero accumsan ex. Maecenas eu mauris consectetur, ultrices lorem ac, venenatis libero.