HÜNING, Agnes Carolina. The identity crisis of Brazilian citizenship: between the judicialization of politics and judicial activism. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Rafael Fonseca Ferreira, July 2018. 109 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11989.
PATELLA, Ana Paula Dupuy. The right to health in the Federal Constitution and the (in) adequacy of SUS administrative and budgetary structures for its realization. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Maria Cláudia Crespo Brauner, December 2017. 89 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11800.
CORRÊA, Bruna Bottero. Institutional dialogues and categorization of the legislative procedure of popular initiative: a critique of the Brazilian model (1988-2018). Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Daniel Lena Marchiori Neto, June 2018. 202 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11894.
SILVA, Carina Goulart. The right to a name as an expression of the principle of human dignity and social justice. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Renato Dias Duro, May 2017. 122 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11522.
FREITAS, Carolina Mota de. Criminal mediation: building a new criminal justice paradigm in the light of social justice. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Maria de Fatima Prado Gautério, December 2017. 124 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11674.
PELLEGRINI, Carolina Portella. Mediation: uses and practices of lawyers in judicialized family conflicts. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Fabiane Simioni, December 2017. 167 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11677.
BRAGA, Juliana Toralles dos Santos Braga. In the neoliberal tone: the reforms imposed on the social security system in Brazil. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. José Ricardo Caetano Costa, October 2017. 147 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11671.
GAUBERT, Leonardo Rodrigues. The indicative character of state economic planning for the private sector: the advance of neoliberal ideas and its effects on (in)equality and economic ethics in Brazil. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Eder Dion de Paula Costa, July 2018. 108 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11943.
WAILLA, Liane de Alexandre. Health in Brazil and the Unified Health System (SUS): a history of achievements and challenges. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Maria Cláudia Crespo Brauner, December 2017. 134 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11669.
CABRAL JUNIOR, Luciano Roberto Gulart. Law and the homeless population: limits and emancipatory possibilities in the city of Rio Grande. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Eder Dion de Paula Costa, December 2017. 174 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11625.
HATJE, Luis Felipe. Unions behind bars: the relationships between people incarcerated in the city of Rio Grande / RS. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Raquel Fabiana Lopes Sparemberger, May 2018. 128 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11796.
FLORES, Maicon Varella. Legal education and human rights: an analysis of hegemonic and counter-hegemonic conceptions in the menus of human rights subjects at Brazilian Federal Universities. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Renato Dias Duro, December 2017. 175 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11685.
PACHECO, Marcelo Caetano. The military police demilitarization and military police violence: a constitutional strategy to reduce military police violence. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Maria de Fatima Prado Gautério, august 2018, 105 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD12625.
LAURINO, Marcia Sequeira. The progressiveness of the Brazilian individual income tax as an instrument for the (non) implementation of the constitutional principles of solidarity and social justice. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Carlos André Sousa Birnfeld, July 2018. 102 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11933.
GRAFULHA JUNIOR, Paulo Roberto Álvaro. The biopsychosocial administrative expertise as an instrument of effecting social justice: a case study in the city of Rio Grande / RS. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Liane Francisca Hüning Pazinato, November 2017. 306 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11636.
RIGGO, Renata Freitas Quintella. The commodification of the Guarani Aquifer: a legal analysis in the light of the Well-Living theory. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Luciano Vaz Ferreira, June 2018. 116 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11860.
FLORES, Rodrigo Gomes. A resolução de litígios pela administração pública em ambientes não adversariais como meio de atingir o objetivo fundamental da solidariedade e acesso à justiça. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Carlos André Sousa Birnfeld, October 2017. 137 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11607.
BRUM, Rômulo Gubert de Mello. Constitutional jurisdiction role in the realization of solidarity in an intersubjective and anti-discretionary approach: a cut from Brazilian law after 1988. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Rafael Fonseca Ferreira, December 2017. 135 p. Available on:https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11664.
JESKE, Thais Garcia. Immigration policy against the right to be a subject of law: a look at the reality of immigrants in Brazil. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Raquel Fabiana Lopes Sparemberger, July 2018. 122 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11948.
PEDROTTI, Wagner Barbosa. Closed condominiums from the perspective of the right to the city in Pelotas/RS. Rio Grande: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Masters dissertation. Teacher advisor Ph.D. Anderson Orestes Cavalcante Lobato, December 2017. 125 p. Available on: https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD11627.