Academic greetings!

We are in the period of submitting articles and posters to the  XXVIII National Meeting of CONPEDI - Goiânia, whose local organization is in charge of PPGDP-UFG. The deadline for submissions ends on April 5 and the event will take place on June 19, 20 and 21, 2019, in Goiânia, at UFG..
As local coordinator of the event, I invite you to participate in this important scientific event of the Brazilian postgraduate studies in Law. At the same time, I ask for your important collaboration in publicizing the event to the academic community of your institution.
Below is the address of the event page, with all information:
Prof. Dr. Saulo de Oliveira Pinto Coelho
Vice-Director of UFG Law School
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Law and Public Policy at UFG
Federal University of Goiás - Brazil